Conclusion the Last Great Search 
Chapter 21
What are they?
The "Kosciusko Snowman", the "Man-Apes of the Blue
Mountains", the "Monster-Men of the Lamington Plateau";
"Pankalanka People" and "Abominable spinifex Man"?
Are they, as this book suggests, still-living descendants of our ancestor,
the tool-making Homo erectus and a giant form of this race; and the
giant bipedal man-like ape, Gigantopithecus?
I leave it up to my readers to draw their own conclusions.
Having demonstrated
that the Yowie is a surviving remnant of Homo erectus and one of a
number of prehistoric races that preceded the Aborigines on the Australian
continent, and presented some of the great mass of modern-day eyewitness
claims, I believe I have prepared a good circumstantial case, for
the survival in modern times, of a race of Australian 'relict hominids'.
Preposterous? I think not. The fact is that ordinary Australians,
often scattered over vast distances covering many thousands of square
kilometres, are reporting manbeast sightings, or finding primitive
hominid footprints displaying identical physical features.
Regardless of the occasional hoaxer, not everyone can be lying., For
one thing, the average Australian is afraid to talk about any unusual
experience, be it a ghostly encounter, the sighting of a UFO, an 'extinct'
Tasmanian Tiger or a Yowie. It takes real courage for some people
to come forward to the media and report their experience.
People are naturally frightened of ridicule. It can discourage a university
professor from proposing some new revolutionary theory, for fear of
losing his job and academic credibility. It can discourage ordinary
people, for fear of an adverse reaction from their friends and neighbours.
I am a prime example, having had to endure a lifetime of ridicule
from my relatives and neighbours, and being "black-banned"
by the Australian scientific community. I could say much more, but
such treatment must be expected by any 'stirrer', who dares to question
any time-honoured scientific dogma!
Yet there are still many people, unrestricted by any university position,
or fear of what their neighbours might think of them, who are willing
to come forward. These are the people who provide the best evidence
for the existence of any 'unknown' animal [or hominid] species not
included in university text books.
Much of the reason for a general public disbelief in the modern day
survival of 'relict hominids', has been due to the all too often tongue-in-cheek
approach regrettably practised by today's "gentlemen of the press".
This is welcomed by the scientific establishment worldwide, for it
is in their best interests to discredit the Yowie/Yeti/Bigfoot mystery:
for the mere suggestion that such creatures exist questions their
long-established dogmas of human evolution. And, the very suggestion,
as already proposed by me, that a separate evolution for one or more
giant hominid race may have taken place here in Australia, must be
anathema to anthropologists raised on the dogma that the only [known]
giant hominids arose in Asia.
Their day is past. A new age of scientific reasoning is dawning, spurred
on by the new 'heresies' in every field, in which old dogmas that
have for too long restricted out thinking are being swept away.
To many a university professor or high school teacher, this book and
its 'heretical' revelations will be fit only for consignment to the
incinerator, or else it just might find a use in the classroom - for
throwing at dozing students!
Yet their attitude will not resolve the mystery, for people will continue
to find strange footprints in remote bushland and mountain country,
or report encounters with hairy sub-men.
Of course, not all scientists reject the 'relict hominid' theory outright,
as demonstrated in the interest shown by many overseas anthropologists,
and even a few Australian scientists have, in secret, admitted a sneaking
interest in the subject!
I see my book as an historical and definitive record of the Yowie mystery,
and hopefully, THE text book on the subject to be consulted by student
in years to come. These strange, weird hairy manbeasts have roamed the
face of Australia since the dawn of humanity. In drawing the truth from
out of the shadow of legend, I hope that my lifetime of research will
not have been in vain.
I am always amused by the many, often well-meaning people, who try
to convince me that there is no such creature as the Yowie. "Surely Mr Gilroy, You can't possibly believe these mythical
beasts exist. Besides, there is nowhere for them to hide."
They will argue that, if the Yowie really existed one would have been
caught by now. They quite earnestly argue that bushwalkers, campers,
mountain climbers and others have explores some of the wildest country
and found no trace of these hominids. They will claim that, as the
whole continent has been "fully explored" and no trace of
these manbeasts found, they cannot possibly exist.
I find these arguments unconvincing. Certainly experienced bushmen
have penetrated "some of the wildest country", but to find
traces or make sightings of any secretive, elusive creature under
such conditions, it is a case of being in the right place at the right
And although "some of the wildest country" has been occasionally
penetrated, there are still vast regions so impenetrable that exploration
has so far proven impossible. Australia has by no means been "fully
explored", it has been mapped from the air only.
The vast, wild and rugged eastern Australian mountain ranges alone
contain thousands of square kilometres of virtually impenetrable and
not fully explored country, where any ;unknown' animal [or hominid]
species could very easily survive hidden from modern man. To attempt
to 'catch' any rare or 'unknown' species under these conditions would
be well nigh impossible.
"Nowhere to hide?" The above is self explanatory.
I recall an expedition deep into the Grose Valley, in the vast Blue
Mountains west of Sydney in April 1983, when with three other experienced
bushmen, I led a search for a possible lair of the Tasmanian Tiger,
or Thylacine. Sightings of more than one of these rare striped dog-like
marsupials had been reported by campers in a particular region over
recent months and we were determined to attempt to capture one on
film, or at least cast any tracks we might find.
The locality of the reports was situated in a particular area of the
Grose River, on the edge of a very wild and 'unknown' vast forest
region. It was from here I reasoned that the Thylacines were emerging,
and that their lair was situated somewhere deep within the wilderness
beneath the towering cliffs that overlook this valley.
We found fresh tracks of Thylacine type, and tried to follow them
through the tangle of jungle vines and dense forest growth that obstructed
our search, until they became impossible to follow.
For three days we tried to fight our way through the dark, damp, leech-infested
forest, trying to work our way among the piles of often massive blocks
of vine-covered sandstone that covered the forest floor. The jungle
vines, foliage and mud finally won. Even after three days we had not
really been able to penetrate very far. We were forced to abandon
the search.